Everybody knows that a physical therapist can help if you sprain your ankle or while you’re recovering after a surgical procedure, but we do much more
Physical Therapy is About Showing, Not Telling
A lot of medical treatment focuses on telling, not showing. But physical therapy is different in this regard, in that it’s all about showing. In this
Why You Should Try Physical Therapy First
Not many patients consider physical therapy as an initial treatment option. However, physical therapy can be an effective way to treat various
Physical Therapy for Younger Patients
When you picture a physical therapy patient in your mind, you’re probably thinking of an older person, or maybe a professional athlete. Most people do
My Symptoms are Worse after Physical Therapy – What Should I Do?
Physical therapy is a common and legitimate treatment option for many different conditions, injuries, as well as surgery recovery. Physical therapy is
Top 3 Reasons to Visit a Physical Therapist
There are many reasons why patients make appointments with us – from post-op surgery patients, to patients dealing with a debilitating injury. In this
When to Return to Physical Therapy
Many patients consider physical therapy to be an in-and-out type of treatment. You sustain an injury, visit a physical therapist for rehabilitation,