Joint replacement surgery can greatly increase your physical function and overall quality of life, but getting to this point after surgery won’t
3 Tips For Managing Your Surgical Scar
A physical therapist can help you manage muscle weakness or restore flexibility in a specific area of your body after surgery, but one other aspect
4 Ways to Treat Post-Surgical Pain With Physical Therapy
Surgery is a very effective treatment tool for a myriad of health conditions that cannot effectively be controlled with conservative techniques, but
Physical Therapy After Sports Hernia Surgery
A sports hernia is a condition that involves a soft-tissue injury to the groin area, and it’s a bit different than a traditional hernia. A standard
What’s At Stake If I Skip Out On Physical Therapy After Surgery?
Surgery is often viewed as the last and most targeted form of treatment, and it typically provides fantastic results for a variety of ailments.
Tips for Speeding Up Your Surgery Recovery
Recovering from surgery takes time. Your body needs to heal from the surgical trauma and get used to any new changes. But you can do more than just
Physical Therapy Protocol After Spine Fusion Surgery
As we’ve discussed previously on this site, physical therapy can be an incredibly effective treatment tool after a surgical procedure. In this
Is My Physical Therapy Recovery Normal?
Many patients who have just had surgery or sustained an injury wonder if their recovery is “normal.” Because every patient is different, it can be
Top 3 Reasons to Visit a Physical Therapist
There are many reasons why patients make appointments with us – from post-op surgery patients, to patients dealing with a debilitating injury. In this