Balance is the ability of our muscles to contract and relax in an appropriate sequence to enable us to maintain an upright and steady position. Balance can decrease as we age, and is also impaired after injuries due to pain and compensation patterns. The muscle coordination that gives us the ability to balance is also required for walking with an even and normal pattern. Walking/gait training is the coordination of an alternating pattern that starts at our feet and incorporates every joint of our body. Improving balance is an effective way to restore confidence in everything from turning around in the kitchen to sprinting across a field.
One tool that we utilize in clinic is the HUMAC Interactive Balance Force Plate. The force plate is hooked up to a TV to provide real time feedback. This can be useful for collecting data with formal assessments, or can be used as a training tool. To find out more, click on the link!
A formal gait analysis can be provided from walking barefoot all the way to running We perform a detailed biomechanical evaluation by assessing muscle imbalances, joint mobility, and compensatory patterns. A thorough video analysis with frame-by-frame gait assessment can show these imbalances and biomechanical issues. We also have the ability to draw lines and calculate angles to further identity issues.