If you love to wake up early and go for a run as the sun comes up, congratulations, you’re in the minority of people who genuinely love to exercise. Now, that’s not to say that everyone who doesn’t feel this way hates to exercise, but a lot of people find time to exercise simply because they understand both the short- and long-term benefits of regular movement and activity. But what if you really don’t like to exercise? How can you find ways to stay active and keep your body healthy? In today’s blog, we share some tips for staying active if you don’t really like to exercise.
Staying Active If Your Hate To Exercise
If running or going to the gym isn’t your forte, that’s completely fine! However, that doesn’t mean you should just ignore exercise and activity altogether. Here are some tips for staying active if traditional exercise isn’t your thing.
- Opt For Alternative Exercises – While running and weightlifting are oftentimes viewed as the two most common forms of exercise, they are far from the only activities that can provide us with the benefits of exercise. Jump on an elliptical, swim laps at the pool, or ride your bicycle around your neighborhood. There are so many ways to move and get your heart pumping without running or lifting weights, so try some different routines and see if anything sticks.
- Consider Low-Impact Options – There are also a number of low-impact exercise options for people who don’t like the physical impact that an exercise like running can have on their body. These activities work to improve muscle endurance, balance and joint stability, among other things. Activities like yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates can all help keep muscles and ligaments functioning optimally without the impact of some traditional exercises.
- Find a Buddy – Exercise is always easier with a buddy, and they can also help to hold you accountable so that you exercise regularly. Exercise with a friend or co-worker who can carry a conversation and help take your mind off of the physical strain you’re putting on your body. And if other people aren’t your favorite, make it a point to walk your dog each and every day!
- Add Music – Numerous studies have found positive correlations between music and exercise. Studies have shown that music can help people exercise for a longer period of time and increase their speed and tempo. So before you jump into your next exercise routine, put together an upbeat playlist full of your favorite tunes and let the music fuel your activity.
- Consult With A Professional – Finally, if you’re still struggling to find an exercise routine that works for you, consider syncing up with a professional. At OrthoRehab Specialists, we design activity and conditioning programs all the time for clients looking for specific ways to improve their fitness. We can help develop a routine that targets certain areas or avoids activities that you don’t particularly enjoy, all while giving you the benefits of an exercise routine.
It’s imperative that you stay active, and we know that exercise isn’t everyone’s favorite activity. But if you keep the above tips in mind and connect with the team at OrthoRehab Specialists, we’re confident that you’ll find that you won’t dread your exercise routine as much as you used to! For more information, contact our clinic today at (612) 339-2041.
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