Exercising and living a healthier lifestyle are two of the most common resolutions that people make heading into the new year. And while devoting more time to deliberate exercise is great, you can also lead a healthier lifestyle by working to find more ways to be active without going through a specific routine at the gym. If you find little ways to become more active in the new year, you’ll find that it’s easier to hit some of your health-focused resolutions. With that in mind, here’s a look at four easy ways to be more active in the new year.
1. Choose One Sedentary Activity And Switch It Up
We all have our sedentary vices, and that’s completely normal. However, we challenge you to find one sedentary activity that you can spice up with activity in the new year. You don’t need to always add activity to the same sedentary activity. In fact, switching it up can make it easier to avoid a rut. For example:
- Walk around the house or the neighborhood while you’re taking that phone call.
- Do a 30-minute workout while catching up on your favorite television show.
- Jump on the stationary bike and knock out a couple chapters of your favorite book.
- Take the stairs instead of jumping on the elevator at work.
Simple tweaks to activities that don’t typically involve a lot of movement are easy ways to become a more active individual.
2. Address Lingering Pain
One barrier to activity that can often be overlooked is pain. The pain itself may be noticeable, but you may not realize how pain and discomfort are leading you to avoid certain physical activities or choose more sedentary activities. If you have lingering back or joint pain, resolve to have that pain addressed in the new year. You don’t need a referral in order to visit a physical therapy clinic for most issues, so set up an appointment with our office and take care of those lingering pains. When you’re free from pain, you’ll find it easier to choose active activities.
3. Find An Activi-Buddy
It’s always easier to get moving if you have someone besides yourself to hold you accountable. Pair up with your spouse, a friend or a coworker and look for some new ways to get active in the new year. Go for a daily walk around the block with your spouse, join a weekly yoga class with your friend, or walk around the office park during one of your breaks with a coworker. Hold them accountable for activity, and ask that they do the same for you.
4. Activity Trackers
Finally, research shows that activity trackers and smartwatches can help you become more active. If you have a Christmas gift card burning a hole in your pocket after the holidays, put it towards an activity tracker and use it to help you become more active. Don’t let yourself turn on the television after work until you’ve hit 10,000 steps, or set movement reminders to notify you if you’ve been sitting for long periods. Setting attainable goals through activity trackers and smartwatches are easy ways to push yourself to become more active in the new year.
For more tips on how to become more active in 2022, or to speak with a physical therapist about any injuries that may be holding you back from being as active as you’d like, reach out to the team at OrthoRehab Specialists today.
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