Most people would prefer to exercise outdoors in the fresh air, but we recognize that it’s not always easy or convenient to do so. If you’re used to exercising outside or going for a run along a scenic nature trail, it can be a bit of a shock to the system when the cold Minnesota weather forces you to bring your exercise indoors. Sometimes this transition indoors can zap your motivation and make it harder for you to continue getting regular exercise. In today’s blog, we’re going to share some tips for taking your workout indoors during the cold winter months.
Staying Motivated When Working Out Indoors
If you’re dreading taking your workout indoors as the temperatures drop, fear not. We have some tips to make the transition indoors a little easier so that you remain motivated to keep exercising. Here are five ways to successfully take your workout indoors:
- Dedicate A Space – You’ll be more motivated to work out if you create a space that is truly yours. Even if you can’t turn the spare bedroom into an amazing home gym, you will want to find a space that you can make yours during your workout. Find a spot in your home or research gyms in the area and find a place that will become “your spot” for the next few months.
- Consider Workout Times – Maybe your workout schedule won’t change much since you’ll no longer be restricted by the temperature or daylight, but it still pays to put some planning into your workout schedule. Start thinking about what time works best to work out if you’re stuck indoors. Maybe you want to work out after the kids go to bed or avoid peak times at the gym, so start thinking about the most convenient times to complete your indoor workout.
- Work With What You Have – Don’t feel like you need to buy the latest and greatest workout equipment just because you are bringing your workout indoors. You can certainly add a stationary bike or some dumbbells to your home gym, but know that there are plenty of exercises you can perform without any special equipment. We’d be more than happy to help you cultivate an equipment-less workout routine based on your needs or goals, or you can check out some of these common equipment-less exercises.
- Entertain Yourself – You don’t have to jump on a treadmill and stare at a wall for an hour just because you’re taking your workout indoors. Being inside actually makes it easier to enjoy different entertainment options, and many people find it easier to work out if their mind isn’t solely focused on the exercise. Put on some music, turn on the television, read a book on the stationary bike or grab your iPad and binge a new series on Netflix. Find ways to stay entertained during an indoors workout, and the pursuit of exercise will be easier.
- Work With A Physical Therapist – If you’re an athlete looking to take your game to the next level but can’t get out on the field because of the winter weather, consider syncing up with a physical therapist. We can create a personalized strength training program tailored to your specific sport and your goals so that you can have a leg up on the competition when the snow thaws. Team up with a professional, and it will be much easier to notice progress when taking your workout indoors.
If you’re interested in working with a physical therapist during the winter season, or your hoping to rehab after an injury or surgery, sync up with the team at OrthoRehab Specialists today at (612) 339-2041.
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