The human foot is a complex marvel. In this physical therapy education article, we are going to talk about some fun facts you may not know about your feet.
Foot Facts
- The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles
- A 2 ½ inch heel can increase loads on the forefoot by 75%
- 75% of Americans will experience foot problems at some point in their life
- 60% of foot and ankle injuries in adults are ankle sprains or strains
- There 8000 nerves in our feet
- Toenails grow 1 mm per month
- Webbed toes or fingers is called Syndactyly
- The first sneaker was created by the US Rubber company originally called Keds in 1916
- The average adult takes 4000 to 6000 steps per day
- 60 million American have flat feet (¼ of the population)
- Heels were added in the Middle East to lift heels off burning sand
- The average person walks 100,000 miles in one lifetime
- Average foot increases 2 sizes when a person stands up
- 90% of women and 60% of men wear shoes that are too small for them
- It takes 5-6 months to grow an entirely new toenail
- Cigarette smoking is the largest cause of peripheral vascular disease
- Pressure on feet with running can be as much as 4 times body weight
- Lateral ankle sprains are more common than medial ankle sprains because of the lateral Malleolus is inferior and anterior and because the medial ankle is more stable
- Women experience foot problems 4 times more often than men
- More than 50% of women in America have bunions
- Over 2 million Americans seek treatment for plantar fasciitis each year
Physical Therapy Clinics in the Twin Cities
Looking for a physical therapy clinic in the Twin Cities? You’ve come to the right place. OrthoRehab Specialists has been providing physical therapy care to patients throughout the state of Minnesota for over thirty years. Our therapists offer specialized care for patients recovering from injuries, surgical procedures, and debilitating conditions. We have referral relationships with more than 600 local doctors and surgeons, and also offer direct access to care for those who do not have direct referrals. Contact us today to set up your appointment at our Edina or Minneapolis clinics.
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