Headache Treatment
Headaches are often caused by disorders of the neck or physical and emotional tension. Studies show that cervical headaches account for 15-20% of all chronic and recurrent headaches. Cervical headaches stem from musculoskeletal dysfunctions that include abnormal upper cervical joint mobility, trigger points and decreased strength and endurance in the deep cervical flexors. These headaches are the most common persistent symptom following neck trauma; poor sitting posture and stress are also associated with cervical headaches. Migraine headaches fall into a category of their own, but may have a mechanical component that physical therapy can address.
Minnesota Headache Physical Therapists
The physical therapists at OrthoRehab Specialists focus on treating a wide range of conditions and injuries – including headaches. If you’re suffering with headache pain and other related symptoms, we can help! Contact our Minnesota physical therapists today to set up an appointment at our Edina or Minneapolis clinics.