Summer is just around the corner and now is the time to start preparing your body for the sports and activities you look forward to in the warmer months of the year. Sports such as soccer, football, tennis, basketball, and running all require a moderate amount of hamstring strength.
Did You Know
It takes up to 12 weeks for measurable changes in your strength to occur. This is why now is the right time to begin your training.
Hamstring injuries account for about 15% of all recreational and sport related injuries. Once injured, you are 6 times more likely to suffer re-injury NCBI. With each reinjury, your recovery time increases and keeps you away from the activities you love. Studies have shown that eccentric hamstring strengthening (the ability to control muscle power while the muscle is in a lengthened state) is key in injury prevention.
The following are hamstring specific exercises which are specifically tailored to improve eccentric hamstring strength. You should begin incorporating these exercises into your program now in order to avoid unnecessary downtime due to injury this summer!
Hamstring Rollout Exercise
Single Leg Rollout Exercise
As with all exercise programs, consult you MD, trainor, or Physical Therapist if any of these exercises cause pain.
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